Be A
Side By Side Volunteer
When You Care,
Hope Perserveres.
A true community thrives when we all embrace a caring spirit. As a Side by Side volunteer, there are many ways to share your time and talents to help our Lake Geneva neighbors in need:
Be A
Side By Side Volunteer
When You Care,
Hope Perseveres.
A true community thrives when we all embrace a caring spirit. As a Side by Side volunteer, there are many ways to share your time and talents to help our Lake Geneva neighbors in need:
As a client interviewer who meets with Side by Side applicants monthly
Serve on our fundraising committee to plan events, solicit funding, and correspond with donors.
Help behind the scenes with answering incoming calls, grant writing, marketing, website and social media maintenance, or updating our resource materials.
Train our volunteers or serve as an outreach speaker.

Volunteer Application
Please complete our volunteer application so we can learn about your interests in more detail.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Side by Side Volunteer!
We provide short term, urgent financial assistance to families in the Badger/Lake Geneva School District no more than once a year for rent, utilities, or prescription medication. Our business meetings are 7:00 pm, the second Tuesday of the month at First Congregational UCC, 715 Wisconsin St., Lake Geneva. We meet with clients on the third Tuesday of the month at the same location. Please complete the form below with your contact information and areas of interest. If you’d prefer a printable form, you can download one here.
Not able to dedicate time as a volunteer?
You can help Side by Side achieve its mission with your financial support.